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Are Africans Fated To Remain Poor Forever? Path To Turning Around The Situation For The Better

By Joseph Olugbenga Adetayo

If the minds of European colonial adventurers had been impelled by pure motives, rather than by base motives, when they came to Africa and violently yanked Africans from their state of unconscious ignorance by introducing the Africans to the world outside the shores of the African continent in a lopsided manner that has ensured that even up till these ‘modern’ era, the Africans’ economic engagements and exchanges with that world continue to remain lopsided and detrimental to the Africans’ economic, material and spiritual wellbeing and progress, including to their liberty, their sovereignty, their agency and the security of their lives and property, this would have been the simple primer the Europeans should have read to understand how to clearly elucidate the nature of the general principles underpinning phenomena in the human economic ecology, capitalism and every aspect of the different contexts and spheres which define and characterize the human experience of life to the Africans such as to clarify the nature of those principles to the minds of the Africans.

In all probability, the course of the evolution of human history would have been markedly different, as the Africans would have been given a fair opportunity to transcend the extremely selfish, egoistic, egocentric, egotistic, limited perspective, animality-survival stage in the evolution of what will become the nature, disposition and character of their minds and that of liberating their minds and their economic ecology from the tyranny of the state of nature, which would have enabled the Africans to exercise and apply the functionality of the higher faculties of the mind in being increasingly more productive with the passage of time at adding value to life and at freely and voluntarily exchanging value with people in the domestic and international economies and thus open the prospect of bridging the gap in real affluence between members of the species Homo sapiens who live in the wealthy north and those of the members of their species who reside in the poor south and are left behind holding the short end of the stick in the pernicious extremely short-term, zero-sum game mode of capitalism which is ordered by the logic of the predatoriness Homo sapiensinherited into the nature, disposition and character of their minds from their time in the lower orders of the animal kingdom.

The benefits to all the members of the species Homo sapiens of having such a large segment of the members of their species engaging in economic activities that entail the exercise and application of the functionality of the higher faculties of the mind in being increasingly more productive with time at adding value to life and at freely and voluntarily exchanging value with people in the domestic and international economies would have been of such immense dimensions such as to give a humungous boost to the level of productivity of all the members of the species and their economic, material and spiritual wellbeing and progress, including their liberty, sovereignty, agency and the security of their livers and property as well as their living standards and quality of life.

This fascinating book is undoubtedly the product of serious scholarly research which delves deeply into many of the fundamental root causes of why the poor are becoming poorer with the passage of time, when advances in the world’s body of knowledge, in technological inventions and innovations and a better understanding of the best ways to make economies work, with many good examples and models to learn from in the different parts of the world, suggest that the inverse should be the natural order.

Thus, the book is groundbreaking in the extent to which it attempts to resolve this seemingly imponderable paradox that has come to perplex the minds of right-thinking people everywhere in the world, while providing a clear pathway for those who are left behind in the relentless march of progress that is the capitalist endeavour, to embark on their journey into mainstream capitalism.

The subject matter that is the focus of the book is of course of very serious import which pertains to the incredibly complex organ of the human mind: what Homo sapiens do with their super-powerful brains in coming to the determination of the choices they make in the way they train, cultivate, nurture and develop what will become the nature, disposition and character of their minds and how they exert their minds to order the course of their passage through the journey of life, but the author has made concerted exertions to simplify these complex ideas and to render them in the form that is concise, succinct and readily comprehensible and relatable to the mind of the general reader.

The lofty aim which the author has set for the book is that it will encourage, support and guide all the members of the species Homo sapiens to tread on the way of capital and along the path of righteousness such that the evolution of nature, disposition, and character of their minds can proceed along a positive and upward trajectory and Homo sapiens would be able to open the prospect of liberating their minds from the tyranny of the state of nature and that of upending the evil system of things which the nexus between the political-public sphere and the religious sphere has either deliberately or inadvertently imposed on the human experience of life and using which they have led Homo sapiens astray with their minds perpetually held in bondage to the hold of the vestiges of the baser aspects of the animal nature and the importunities, impositions and exactions of the other members of their species.

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