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Ecowas Delegate Commends Gambia’s Disaster Disbursement Funds.

The delegation of the Ecowas who were on a five-day field validation monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian relief provided for food crisis and flood disaster victims in The Gambia has commended the disbursement process of the funds.

The validation monitoring and evaluation process was meant to ensure the effectiveness, transparency, and accountability of the humanitarian aid distributed to the affected communities.

The team also conducted comprehensive field visits, stakeholder engagements, and an evaluation of the relief efforts to identify gaps and areas for improvement and it included representatives from the Ecowas Commission, the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), the government, and various implementing partners.

The delegation visited the flood-affected communities of Nyofelleh, Fass Omar Saho, and Munyagen. This mission is designed to rigorously assess the effectiveness of the humanitarian aid provided in response to the 2022 flood disaster and food crises in the Gambia.

During the visit, the delegation engaged with local beneficiaries, who conveyed their sincere appreciation for the assistance received from Ecowas. This support has been instrumental in addressing critical needs, such as securing essential food items and repairing homes damaged by the floods. Beneficiaries highlighted the significant relief this aid has provided, particularly in helping them to stabilize their living conditions in the aftermath of the disaster.

A resident of Fass Omar Saho articulated the community’s sentiments: “We are profoundly grateful for the support from ECOWAS. It has enabled us to rebuild our homes and ensure food security for our families. However, there are many others in our community who remain in need, and we hope that this support can be expanded to assist them as well.”

Similarly, in Munyagen, a beneficiary noted, “The financial support, while modest, has had a meaningful impact on our lives. It allowed us to purchase food and undertake essential repairs to our homes, which were severely affected by the floods. We hope that ECOWAS will continue and broaden this assistance so that more people can benefit.”

The delegation observed that the aid delivery process was met with particular appreciation due to its transparency and efficiency, which helped to minimize conflicts and ensure that the most vulnerable were prioritized. The residents expressed a strong desire for ECOWAS to maintain its commitment to supporting member states, including The Gambia, as they continue to recover from these challenges.

This field visit not only highlighted the positive outcomes of the humanitarian efforts by Ecowas but also brought to light the ongoing challenges that persist in these communities. The feedback gathered will be instrumental in shaping future Ecowashumanitarian strategies, ensuring that the relief efforts are both sustained and expanded to address the needs of additional vulnerable populations.

The mission will proceed with a scheduled visit to another community, where further assessments will be conducted to gather additional insights and evaluate the continuing impact of the aid provided.

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