Magistrate Fatou Darboe Orders Deportation of Malians and Senegalese

By Kemo Kanyi

Principal Magistrate Fatou Darboe, of the Brikama Magistrates’ Court has passed an order to the Gambia Immigration Department to facilitate the deportation of 17 foreign nationals hailed from Mali and Senegal for failure to regularise their immigration status.

The Gambia Immigration Department charged the 17 accused persons with offences and revocation of a pass or permit contrary to section 6(2) of the Immigration Act volume 4 Laws of The Gambia 2009 and punishable under section 32 of the Act.

Inspector Ousainou Touray announced his appearance for the prosecution. The accused persons were not represented by counsel.

The accused Bai Modou Mbenga, Alieu Drammeh, Dam Touray, Modou Njie, Omar Njie, and Musa Konateh are Senegalese nationals.

Malians are, Fajimba Tunkara, Musa Krubally, Sori Sidibeh, Siaka Makalo, Musa Kanuteh, Bakary Krubally, Salifu Jallow, Bilal Jarra, Adama Kanuteh, Musa Jallow, and Dawda Konateh.

The indictment forwarded by the prosecution alleged that the accused persons remained in The Gambia, and failed to regularize their stay.

All the accused persons pleaded guilty to the charge preferred against them. The court entered a plea of guilty for and on behalf of the accused persons.

Inspector Touray said that in the month of August, all the accused persons were gathered at a particular compound in Sinchu Wurry village at Kombo South.

According to him, neighbours felt scared and reported the matter to the Police, and Inspector Camara of the Gambia Immigration Department led a team to the area and found the accused persons. All of them were arrested and taken to Tanjiimmigration station.

He added that an investigation was later conducted and it was discovered by the immigration department that the accused persons entered the country without a pass or permit and had failed to regularize their status.

“They were asked why they were occupying that compound, but they couldn’t give any tangible evidence to investigators. This was when they were subsequently charged and brought before the honourable court,” Inspector Ousainou Touray told the court.

All the accused persons admitted the facts narrated by the prosecution and they were convicted by the court under section 6(2) of the Immigration Act and punishable under section 32 of the Act based on their admission and confirmation of the charge and facts, respectively.

The prosecution applied to the court under section 16 of the Immigration Act, which gives power to the court to order deportation, and he applied for the convicts to be deported to their various countries.

Principal Magistrate Fatou Darboe, ruled the court knows that they are all Africans and sympathizes with the convicts. “However the law as it is shall be followed.”

She orders under section 16 of the Immigration Act for the Gambia Immigration Department to facilitate the repatriation of all 17 convicts to their countries of origin.