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CoPG Calls for Promulgation of 2020 Draft Constitution in Original Form

By: Nyima Sillah

The Coalition of Progressive Gambians (CoPG) has called for the promulgation of the 2020 Draft Constitution without any amendments.

In a statement shared with this medium on Monday, the pressure group expressed disappointment and concern over the recent amendments to the 2020 Draft Constitution and “lack of respect for the due process of ensuring that any amendment of the sacred document is the sole responsibility of the people’s representatives at the National Assembly”

“Our concern is the amendment of some of the provisions without due processes by a selected few and for the interest of the few for the intent of absolute power. We call on the government through the Ministry of Justice and its Constitutional Review Committee to bring back the 2020 Draft Constitution in its original form. We look forward to the cooperation of the Government and National Assembly for the best interest of the country,” read the statement.

According to the pressure group, the 2020 Draft Constitution was crafted by an independent commission established by the Constitution Review Commission (CRC) through an Act of Parliament and in compliance with section 226 of the 1997 Constitution.

“The leadership and integrity as core values for public officials that will alleviate misconduct and ensure fiscal discipline was removed, appointment and removal of officials of the independent institutions and the reduced powers of local authorities in contrast to complete autonomy was also removed. The removal of those clauses for the specification on the appointment of the Chief Justice and Judicial Judges is gross negligence of the principles of the Separation of Powers and therefore undermines credible and reliable good governance. We expected the Attorney General and Legal adviser to the President to follow due processes and avoid popular disagreements and negative consequences that may emanate as a result of the amendments,” the group stated.

It added: “The Coalition of Progressive Gambians wishes to urge the National Assembly members to veto this illegal process that is taking away their powers to decide on the appointments of the independent institutions and undermining their functions, roles, and responsibilities as the decision-making body.”

The CoPG said the amended 2024 draft does not reflect the aspirations of the Gambian people and that the group, therefore, advocates for its rejection as power belongs to the people.

“We urge the representatives of the people, all stakeholders including CSOs political actors, donor agencies, international partners, community, and religious leaders to be on one voice and retain the people’s power based on the principles of good governance, transparency, accountability, rule of law and citizens’ participation,” concluded the pressure group’s statement.

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