Faal, Dampha Raise Concern Over High Rate of Irregular Migration

By: Binta Jaiteh

The former press secretary of the Gambia Action Party (GAP) Sheikhna Faal and the spokesperson of the Serekunda Market Sulayman Dampha have raised concern over the increasing flight of Gambian youths to the EU through the Backway.

The duo described the increasing rate of youth migration through irregular means as alarming, frustrating and concerning.

To Faal, the Gambia’s high unemployment rate and poverty are the triggers of the “alarming rate” of youth migration.
“It is sad that fish boats from every corner of the country carry dozens of youths to the Mediterranean Sea all in the name of providing food for their families,” he contended.

He maintained that the issue of irregular migration is becoming unbearable, adding that the matter needs anurgent solution. 

“Young people of this land are perishing in the sea whether you know it or not. I think, as a country, the government should prioritize the youths and make sure that their needs are provided,” he stated.

Faal advised the government to concentrate on the root causes of irregular migration and immediately address the situation, saying it worsens by the day.

He blamed the government for not empowering the youths which, he argued, is the push factor for irregular migration.

“I am afraid that the youths of this country will continue to embark on this journey if the government keeps mute on the issue,” he added.

Faal asserted that the crime rate in the country will not decrease if the masses continue to face challenges in finding sustainable livelihood solutions.

Meanwhile, the Spokesperson of Serekunda Market,Sulayman Dampha, also opined that youths must be empowered because they constitute a significant demographic. He added that for the youths to optimally contribute to the country’s socio-economicdevelopment, they must be gainfully employed.

Mr. Dampha asserted that it would be difficult for the youths to stay in the country without job opportunities. 

“This is the reason why a lot of them embark on irregular migration in search of greener pastures. I want to know if the minister of youth and sports is in existence, considering the challenges youths are facingin this country,” PRO Dampha contended.

According to him, Gambian youths have a lot of questions for the youth minister, adding that those questions should be exhaustively answered without any political interference and consideration. 

“As a minister, he has the responsibility to make sure that youths are gainfully employed and empowered,”he argued.