Environmental Analyst Offers Flood Mitigation Tips

By: Nyima Sillah

Environmental analyst Momodou Senghore has outlined tips for lessening the flooding of roads and open gutters.

“There should be regular cleaning of gutters. Indeed, there is the cleaning of drainages that goes on every year but is not very effective. It’s done but when the rains come, the problem continues. We should have regular repairs of drains and sewage systems to ensure that they are functioning correctly and to address any issue before they lead to significant problems,” he explained to The Voice as the flooding of roads continues to cause hardship for both drivers and pedestrians.

The environmental analyst went on to say that another mechanism that should be put in place to mitigate the issue is to have proper road designs and urban planning. This, he said, is one of the things that should be implemented in reducing some of the impacts of floods.

“There should be integrated flood management in urban planning like avoiding construction in high-risk areas or incorporating floodplains into parks and green spaces, raise public awareness by engaging residents on the importance of waste disposal and avoid throwing wastes in gutters,” Senghore said. He added: “The municipalities and councils also need to have an emergency response plan that could be developed and communicated so that there could be agencies or institutions responsible for mitigating flood effects.”

He pointed out that enhancement of the drainage system, where the runoff water could be directed to the water catchment areas (rivers or seas) can also be a mechanism to avert the issues of flooding.

However, Senghore attributed floods to climate change among others, saying changes in weather patterns can result in more intense and frequent rainfall, and areas that previously managed rainfall without issues might now experience flooding more often.

He, therefore, advised people to adhere to early warning and stay in indoors if there is any expected rain within a certain period.