Gambia Bar Association conducts capacity-building training for members on human rights

By: Arret Jatta

The Gambia Bar Association (GBA) with support from Promoting Rights and Justice (PRJ), conducted a two-day training for its members on protecting and promoting human rights.

The two-day training held between the 20th and 21st of August at the GBA head office in Kanifing was meant to enhance participants’ understanding of international human rights and legal instruments.

In her welcoming remarks, the Executive Secretary of the GBA, Ms. Penda Dibba, emphasized the importance of the training and the need to empower junior lawyers to lead change within the Bar Association and the legal sector. 

Notwithstanding, Ms. Dibba provided an overview of the Bar Association’s mission to promote the rule of law in The Gambia, stating that GBA is taking a new direction for change and visibility.

Mam Ndeban Jobe from The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) introduced participants to key human rights principles, emphasizing the inclusivity and universality of these rights. 

Her session covered core international instruments like the UDHR and ICCPR and highlighted the importance of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights.

Lawyer Imaran Darboe also delivered a presentation on the role of the Bar in strengthening human rights in The Gambia. 

He emphasized the Bar’s duty to actively advocate for human rights protection and promotion through campaigns, policy recommendations, and engagement. 

His presentation also underscored the centrality of justice in human rights and the critical role lawyers play in safeguarding justice by upholding and strengthening human rights.