Break-in by “polisario” elements at a meeting in Japan on African Development (TICAD 9) disrupts proceedings and provokes widespread indignation.

Japan Solemnly Reiterates its Non-Recognition of ‘polisario’ Puppet Entity.

The Ministerial Preparatory Meeting for the 9th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD9), scheduled for August 24-25, 2024 in Tokyo, began its proceedings on Friday, with the Meeting of Senior Officials from Japan and African member countries of the United Nations.

Invitations to take part in the TICAD9 Ministerial Meeting and the Senior Officials Meeting were sent by the Japanese MFA exclusively to African UN member countries. Neither the so-called “sadr” nor the “polisario” were invited by Japan; the host country and organizer of the meeting. The official list of countries participating in this meeting does not include the pseudo entity.

Not recognizing the so-called “sadr” and having no links whatsoever with this puppet entity, Japan did not issue visas to the so-called representatives of this fictitious entity and categorically refused to receive visa documents or their so-called travel documents.

The separatists gained access to Japanese territory under false identities, using Algerian passports and as members of the Algerian delegation. The Algerian Embassies submitted Notes Verbales to the Japanese authorities requesting visas for these separatists, as Algerians, in the same capacity as the rest of their delegation.
 In organizing the meeting rooms, Japan did not anticipate the participation of the separatists. The room contained only the plates of the African countries invited by Japan and members of the United Nations. The so-called “sadr” was not included.
Separatists infiltrated the meeting room with Algerian badges and as members of that country’s delegation. One ‘polisario’ separatist, in an act of thuggery, took a placard bearing the name of the ghostly entity out of his satchel and smuggled it onto the table.

This falsified placard was completely different from the official ones put up by Japanese organizers. This act was intended to give a misleading impression that the fictitious entity was taking part in this meeting, which was strongly denounced by the Moroccan delegation as well as by a large number of participants.
Speaking at the plenary session, Japan’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fukazawa Yoichi, affirmed that his country does not recognize the so-called “sadr”, adding that the intrusion of the “polisario” at this meeting “in no way changes Japan’s position,”.
Japan also stressed that it only invites UN member states to TICAD conferences.

After Morocco’s recent major victories, as part of the international impulse in support of Morocco’s sovereignty over its Southern Provinces and its autonomy plan under Moroccan sovereignty – a momentum spurred on by His Majesty the King – all that was left for Algeria to do was to resort to deception, falsification and illegal maneuvers in a pathetic and vain attempt to give an illusion of visibility to its illegitimate ‘polisario’ offspring. However, Algeria, which created and maintains the regional dispute over the Moroccan Sahara, is the principal party, as enshrined by the UN Security Council. As a result, the separatist entity did not participate in TICAD. Its so-called representatives had access as part of the Algerian delegation.