APRC’s Propaganda Machine Worked to Convince Gambians that UDP is Mandinka Party- Saikou Camara

By Haddy Touray

Saikou Camara, a member of the United Democratic Party (UDP)  has stated that since its inception in 1996, the APRC’s propaganda machine has worked to convince Gambians that the UDP is a Mandinka party, warning them to fear the Mandinkas and their supposed hidden agenda to persecute other tribes in an act of revenge.

“These claims, however, are not only false but entirely contrary to the truth about the UDP,” he said in his anniversary wish to the UDP founded on August 23rd, 1996.

“The three founding pillars of the UDP are Justice, Peace, and Progress. These principles have guided the party since its formation. Looking at the context in which the UDP was established, it is clear that its primary political objective was to restore civilian rule through the ballot box. The party’s founding members have been active in Gambian politics since independence and have never been branded as violent or tribalist politicians.

“The UDP emerged at a time when all political activities were banned by soldiers who had seized absolute power. When these soldiers later removed their uniforms to become soldier-politicians, they believed that their authority should go unchallenged. The UDP defied this notion and, as a result, became the target of smear campaigns orchestrated by these soldiers-turned-politicians and their civilian allies who found it easier to align with them. 

“It’s important to remember that, during this period, the media was completely dominated by Jammeh and his party. In the early days of the UDP, social media was not as developed as it is today, making it easier for the APRC to vilify the UDP at every turn. The party was branded as tribal, specifically Mandinka, a message that was relentlessly pushed through the radio and television at the time,” he said.

He added that the UDP’s leader has consistently preached tolerance and inclusiveness, repeatedly condemning violence and insults, including his recent statement published this week, and urging his supporters to show respect for all, regardless of any differences.

“Today, our political mission continues the journey started by our founding fathers. The UDP has always maintained the moral high ground in all its actions, but the lack of media access for much of its 28-year history has allowed its main rivals, the APRC and now the NPP, to spread falsehoods about the party. The same tactics we saw during Jammeh’s era are being deployed by Adama Barrow and the NPP. Those responsible for these lies during Jammeh’stime are still entrenched in the system, determined to protect their interests by perpetuating the same falsehoods. They fear that a UDP government will hold them accountable for their wrongdoings and that the truth will emerge. Something they are desperate to avoid while they remain in positions of influence.

“Let me reassure everyone that the UDP will not engage in witch hunts if it comes to power. We will ensure justice for all, guarantee peace and stability, and above all, strive for national progress to benefit every Gambian, regardless of tribe, religion, or political affiliation. We will build a country that is united for progress, Insha’Allah (God willing).

“However, no amount of attacks or transgressions against our party and its members will intimidate us, make us waver, or cause us to renounce our core principles,” he said