MOHERST, UNDP Sign MoU forEstablishment of UNiPOD At USET

By Arret Jatta

The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MOHERST) last Fridaysigned an MOU with the UNDP to establish a UNiPOD at the University of Science Engineering and Technology (USET) to provide state-of-the-art facilities for the university. 

The aim of establishing the UNiPOD is to create an environment, where cutting-edge research and new ideas will thrive.

The Minister of Higher Education, Research,Science and Technology, Prof. Pierre Gomez,highlighted that bringing together experts and stakeholders from various sectors of the economywill address the educational needs of the young population in the digital age and also ensure youth employment and business development.

“The UNiPOD Complex will be equipped with facilities for high-tech prototyping and testing new ideas. Specifically, it will have Design Lab, AI and Robotics, Fabrication and Wood Working Lab, Sustainability and Eco-friendly Lab (Green Tech), Creative Lab, Textile, and a Prototyping Lab,” he explained

He further explained that through this partnership, UNDP will provide funds for the refurnishing, expansion and equipment for the UNiPOD whilst USET will dedicate staff to the management and day-to-day operations of the hub.

The Resident Representative of the UNDP,Mandinsa Mashalogu, noted that the MOU represents a crucial step in the establishment of the UNIPOD at USET, under the auspices of MOHERST, which is the government body responsible for higher education, research, science, and technology.

“The MOU is modeled upon the standard UNDP corporate template for partnerships with public and NGO bodies and it features core provisions defined in the template. It also highlights the broad terms for establishing and operationalizing the UNIPOD at USET, including refurbishing and expanding existing facilities, and creating innovation hubs within Gambian universities that promote experimentation and accelerated learning,” she explained.

The Permanent Secretary at MOHERST, Dr. Yusupha Touray, expressed hope that the facility might be ready for use early next year.

“We are equally ready and hopeful that by the end of this year, the whole building will be ready. Hopefully, everything will be ready by early next year and the students will get to use this magnificent facility,” he hoped.