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Two charged with felony

BY: Dawda  M. Jallow

Two accused, Yusupha Camara and Sait Sanno, were arraigned before Magistrate Thomas Touray of the KanifingMagistrate Court on Monday, August 26th, 2024, for felony theft of Amed Muhammed Taal properties at LatrikundaGerman, Kanifing Municipal Council.

The accused were charged with two counts of offence, count one of their offence was breaking into a building with the intent to commit a felony as against section 283[a] of the criminal code cap 10.01 volume 3 laws of the Gambia 2009. Count two of their offence was stealing contrary to section 252 of the criminal code cap 10.01 volume 3 laws of the Gambia 2009.

According to the particulars of their offence on count one, the accused, Yusupha Camara and Sait Sanno, on the 18 of August 2024, at Latrikunda German in Kanifing Municipality, broke into the shop of Amed Muhammed Faal with intent to commit a felony therein committed an offence. 

On count two, the particular offence stated that the two accused, Yusupha Camara and Sait Sanno, did on the 18th of August 2024, at Latrikunda German in the KanifingMunicipality stole from the shop of Amed Muhammed Taalthe following items – 23 pieces of silver bangles valued at D33,000.00, 90 pieces of silver finger rings valued at D54,000.00, 10 pieces of silver earrings valued at D4,000.00, 4 pieces mixed iron bangles valued at D7,000.00 all totaled D98,000.00 thereby committed an offence.

However, the two accused denied the charge when it was read in a local language they understood. They replied before the Magistrate “We didn’t do it.”

Therefore, prosecution Amadou Baldeh applied for an adjournment to bring his witnesses without objecting to their bail.

At this juncture, the prosecution officer applied for an adjournment to present his witnesses 

Magistrate Thomas Touray granted his application and gave the accused bail in the sum of D150,000 each with two Gambian sureties who shall deposit their valid national identity cards or passport and swear into affidavit of means the matter was adjourned to 16th of September 2024.

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