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Bayo Challenges Cabinet to Explain Presidential Term Limit in New Constitution

By: Nyima Sillah

The Deputy Party Leader of The Gambia Action Party (GAP), Babucarr Bayo, has demanded that the cabinet should explain the Presidential term limit in the new constitution to avoid confusion,

“Does term limit begin during the term in which the constitution comes into force or start after the current term?” Bayo asked. 

He continued “If the constitution is approved in a referendum in 2025, does that mean President Barrow who was re-elected in 2021 will be serving his first term up to 2026, or will his first term start in 2026? This should be clear as the provision did not say, that thereby will make it a cause of future political turmoil in this country.”

He described the provision as meaningless and severely controversial, saying it has effectively opened gates for any kind of interpretation.

He pointed out that the Minister of Information, HonourableIsmaila Ceesay, and presidential advisor, Saihou Mballow have already stated that Barrow’s first term started in 2021 not in 2017, and that  2017 – 2021 should not be counted as his first term thus it was the term of the coalition government.

“Judging from this narrative, it appears that the drafters of this constitution are eyeing 2026 to be the start of Barrow’s first term after he might have served for 10 years in office. They have cunningly crafted the above provision thereby playing a dangerous game of interpretation on Gambians,” Bayo told The Voice in an interview on Tuesday.

The GAP Top official explained that the 2020 draft constitution was a significant attempt to reform the country’s governance structure and was seen as a pivotal moment in the nation’s democratic transition following the end of former ex-president Yahya Jammeh’s 22-year rule.

“I hereby alert NAMs and all citizens over this extremely dangerous provision which must be re-written to bring definite clarity and explanation that the presidential term should begin in 2017. The Year 2017 was the end of the dictatorship and the beginning of the hard-fought and hard-earned liberation of the people for democracy,” he expressed.

Added to this, he said “This Cabinet constitution is intended to entrench self-perpetuation in power which must be rejected. No Gambian should serve as president for more than 10 years,” he maintained.

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