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Outsource, Others to Recruit Workers for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

 By Haddy Touray

Modou Camara, chief executive officer (CEO) of Outsource recruitment agency has disclosed that the government through the Ministry of Trade Industry and Regional Integration has selected his recruitment agency with two other agencies to be recruiting workers to take them to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“This came after both countries signed a bilateral agreement for the government to send workers there. This came at a time when some people are being taken there and in the end, they suffer in the hands of their employers,” he posted on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

“The beauty about this agreement is that both governments are involved in making it safe and secure for the people going there,” he added.

He further disclosed that a task force was initiated which includes; – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs both the department responsible for Diaspora and the department responsible for the Middle East Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Interior including (Police and immigration), NATIP, Labor Department, Trade Unions, Domestic workers association, Gamjob and Outsource recruitment agency.

“After a series of meetings and going through the contract and discussing certain areas today we had a meeting with two Saudi Government officials who came to discuss and start the implementation of the project.

One thing I can tell you is safe because of the following, based on the contract the workers will have access to a portal where they can lodge complaints which is accessible to everyone.

They can report matters to us here and the embassy and we would relay it to our counterpart recruitment agency that we work with.

 The contract is 2 years including a 30 days holiday period coming home and returning at the expense of the employer. Will benefit from medical insurance and will be paid by the employer. They will have an e-wallet where all their salaries will be paid and the Saudi people will always confirm that and they can always transfer to the Gambia. A toll-free line will be available to all of them.

He said during recruitment they will discuss their contract terms with the employer including salary and the Gambia embassy will have a liaison officer to monitor them.

He also disclosed that “You can stay up to 90 days after your contract has expired and the insurance will pay for that if you don’t want to renew then you can return.”

He said all documents including, a passport, certificate of character, Medical certificate, and Air ticket will be provided by the employer.

“Our responsibilities include, recruiting workers, training them on basic things, document processing through the help of the ministry, and processing their visas at the embassy in Dakar. We will keep you posted as we progress,” he said.

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