Attorney General Says Due Consultation Done Before Bringing in 2024 Re-Gazetted Draft Constitution 

By Arret Jatta

 During a press conference organized by the Ministry of Information, on Wednesday 28 August held at the Sir DawdaKairaba Jawara International Conference Center, Bijilo, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General Hon. Dawda Jallowarticulated that due consultation was done with all relevant stakeholders before bringing the 2024 re-gazetted draft constitution.

“Following the rejection of the Draft Constitution prepared by the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) in September 2020 (the 2020 Draft), the Government, through the Ministry of Justice and in partnership with International IDEA, facilitated a series of mediation sessions on the revival of a draft constitution for The Gambia,” Attorney General confirmed.

He disclosed that his Ministry partnered with International IDEA and they engaged with media editors as well as the leadership of the Gambian civil society Transitional Justice Working Group TJNW, the Gender Platform, and the Youth Forum). 

He explained that “During these engagements, it clarified disinformation regarding their review process, especially regarding financing, and launched initiatives aimed at catalyzing an upsurge of support for their work towards a new Constitution,” he explained.

The Minister continued that the first phase of their mediation took place between December 2020 and March 2021, with the support of the United Kingdom Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, noting that this was facilitated by H.E. Goodluck E. Jonathan, former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“This phase involved intense consultations with political party leaders, civil society organizations, traditional rulers, and faith-based organizations,” he stated.

Justice Jallow highlighted that they had a high level consultative retreat with political party leaders in Abuja.

“This culminated into a high-level Consultative Retreat for political party leaders on the draft Constitution of The Gambia held at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel in Abuja, Nigeria from the 23rd to 25th February 2021. This was Facilitated by H.E Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, the event aimed to secure party leadership commitment to the constitutional process,” the Attorney General explained further.

Additionally, he noted, in preparation for the consultative retreat they had in Abuja, the revised draft of the constitution had been circulated to the leaders of all political parties and civil society for their information, review, and any further input before gazetting.