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First Lady Presides Over Opening of Oxygen Plant for EFSTH

By Haddy Touray

Her Excellency Madam Fatoumata Bah Barrow, First Lady of the Republic of The Gambia, yesterday presided over the opening ceremony of a newly installed oxygen plant for the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH), Banjul.

The EFSTH Oxygen Plant project comes into fruition through the Africa Infrastructure Relief and Support (AIRS) in collaboration with several global healthcare organizations. This was made possible through a grant to the Society for Critical Care Medicine from Direct Relief and implemented by the Institute of Global Perioperative Care (IGPC).

Speaking at the official opening, First Lady Fatoumata Bah Barrow expressed her delight to oversee the unveiling of such a project that will revolutionize healthcare delivery in the country, adding that the installation of an oxygen plant for the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital is a historic development that will boost healthcare services for the nation’s main referral hospital.

“This groundbreaking facility, which we are here to tour today, represents more than just a technological advancement; it is a beacon of hope and a testament to the transformative power of innovation and collaboration. Designed to generate and circulate medical oxygen directly to patients’ bedsides through wall-mounted outlets, this plant will drastically improve the level of care provided at EFSTH, ensuring that our patients receive the life-saving oxygen they need with the utmost efficiency and reliability,” First Lady Madam Fatoumata Bah Barrow stated.

She added: “I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Africa Infrastructure Relief and Support (AIRS) project, which, in collaboration with several global healthcare organizations, has made this groundbreaking facility a reality. Your unwavering dedication and commitment to improving healthcare in The Gambia are truly commendable. This project was made possible through the generous grant from the Society for Critical Medicine from Direct Relief Organisation.”

The First Lady commended the EFSTH for being at the forefront of health delivery services in the country provided to the populace, hinting that the support provided by partners will pave the way for a brighter future for our people of the country through the various impacts the oxygen plant will provide 

Madam Fatoumata Bah Barrow continued that the installation of the oxygen plant symbolizes a significant step forward in ongoing efforts to enhance quality healthcare services in the country.

She added that the oxygen plant is not just a piece of equipment but rather a lifeline for patients visiting the EFSTH that will bring comfort to those in distress, restore hope to those in despair, and, most importantly, save countless lives. 

Professor Pierre Gomez, Minister of Higher Education Research Science and Technology deputizing for the Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmadou Lamin Samateh recalled the challenges confronted by the health sector during the COVID-19 Pandemic in accessing adequate oxygen for the teeming number of patients administered during the EFSTH.

He noted that the installation of the oxygen plant would arrest the challenges and provide adequate oxygen to the patients without much hassle and trouble for patients visiting the EFSTH.

According to him, the newly installed oxygen plant is one of its kind in the sub-region that is environmentally friendly with less dependent on NAWEC, adding that the burden of lifting and carrying heavy oxygen cylinders is also a thing of the past as oxygen pipes have been fitted on the walls and directly link to the patients beds.

Professor Pierre Gomez described the oxygen plant as a project of hope meant to restore lives and resolve challenges encountered at the hospitals.

The Minister added that it is the wish of President AdamaBarrow that quality healthcare services be delivered to the Gambian people as depicted by the numerous interventions embarked upon by the health Ministry across the country.

For her part, Ambassador, Ericka Bennett commended the First Lady, Madam Fatoumata Bah Barrow for taking the lead in ensuring that the needs of Gambian patients are fully addressed, noting that the continuous support of the Fatoumata Bah Barrow Foundation in the health sector is a testimony of the commitment of the First Lady in restoring hope and health wellbeing of the Gambian people.

She also commends all the sponsors and partners who make the project possible, while thanking the Ministry of Health and officials of the EFSTH for their continuous effort in delivering quality healthcare services to all Gambians and non-Gambians living in the country.

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