GMA Donates Life Jackets, Net-flash lights, other equipment to fishermen and boat operators

By Arret Jatta

The Gambia Maritime Administration (GMA), as part of its functions to protect life and property at sea, on Thursday, 29th August 2024 donated different equipment to local boat owners and operators.

The donated equipment included five hundred life jackets, five hundred net-flash lights, five hundred torchlights, and five knives for local fishermen and boat operators in the Provincial Landing Sites from Kartong to Basse.

The Director General of GMA, Bakary Karamo Janneh, noted that this is basic equipment that every fisherman or fisherwoman would need at sea for protection.

“Government desire is that nobody should die at sea, if nobody should die at sea, all of us have to live up to our responsibilities and expectations,” he said.

He disclosed that the items are for the local fishermen to use when in the rivers and it is the first phase while the plan in offing to expand it next year.

“We want every fisherman/woman in this country to have a life jacket, a knife, a torchlight, and net-flash lights so that those who are in the rivers will be aware when bigger boats are coming, with that, there would not be any collision. It’s all about safety,” he stated

He continued, “When it comes to maritime safety and security, we ensure that we do everything to the best of our ability and make sure that we save every single life in our rivers.” 

Mass Axi Gye, chairman of the board at GMA said this is a milestone effort for the Maritime Administration as they continue their participation in the development of fishing activities in the maritime world.

“As far as safety and security are our domain, we are making sure that we do our best to assist you. And because of that, such material has been procured so that you can make use of it in your working area while we are expecting that the association will share it properly,” he encouraged beneficiaries. 

The head of the Department of Safety and Security at GMA, Ebrima Jobe highlighted the the need to provide safety equipment to people especially the ones in the provinces.

He revealed that “In March, the DG and team went around the country to visit all the landing sites. Some people made their request and some made their complaints, especially in the province. They said they need safety equipment but cannot afford them because they are expensive. More so, there are no vendors or sale points in the provinces.”  

He added that this is just a start and they plan to do more for the people at sea while urging beneficiaries to take good care of the equipment so that it will serve them effectively. 

Momodou B. Dibba, president of the Gambia Fishermen Association commented on their partnership with the GMA saying the gesture is a great initiative that made him happy thus donated equipment is for the betterment of the fishermen and women.

“I urge everyone who crosses the sea to also make use of these life jackets,” noting that some people do not like using life jackets when inside a boat crossing the sea.