Two Fraudsters Granted Bail for D1.4 Million 

By Kemo Kanyi

Magistrate K.B. Sambou of the Brikama Magistrates’ Court, yesterday, granted bail to Sulayman Kambi and Saikou Yabo in the sum of D700,000.00 each for defrauding Habibou Jagne. 

The two were charged with two counts of offence which are breaking; “Conspiracy to commit a felony” and “obtaining money by false pretence,” contrary to sections 368 and 288 of the criminal codes of the Gambia respectively. 

The indictment stated that Sulayman Kambi and Saikou Yaboconspired among themselves by false pretence and with intent to defraud by obtaining money in the sum of D675,000.00 from one Habibou Jagne with the pretext that they had a plot of land with a dimension of 20mx25m situated at Jambur, West Coast Region of the Republic of The Gambia for sale, a representation they knew at the time to be false or untrue.

Both accused persons denied the charges preferred against them.

DSP Buteh Sawaneh applied for an adjournment to enable the prosecution to secure its witness for the case while not objecting to the bail of the two accused thus offence they preferred against them is bail able. 

However, the Court granted the application made by the prosecution and further granted bail to the accused in the same of D700,000.00, each with two Gambian sureties who shall depose to an affidavit of means.

The case was adjourned and will resume on the 26th of September 2024.