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ACHPRS Concludes Training on International Human Rights Mechanisms

By Binta Jaiteh 

The African Commission Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies (ACHPRS), on Friday, concluded three-day training for civil society organizations on Human and Peoples’ Rights and Regional and International Human Rights Mechanisms. 

The theme for the training was From Environmental Conservation to Climate Action Empowering Civil Society Organizations In Africa for Sustainable Development and Human Rights Advancement. The objective is to equip CSOs to work on environmental and climate change in Africa with knowledge and skills to enhance the protection of human rights through engagement with international and regional human rights mechanisms.

Speaking at the closing of the training, Commissioner JainabaJohm of the National Human Rights Commission said the training could not be overestimated due to the importance of climate change and empowering civil society organizations.

“Our commission has been mandated to promote and protect human rights with the Gambia”, she acknowledged 

According to her, the training was timely especially now that the African continent is facing continuous challenges like deforestation, air pollution, floods, and others. 

She noted that civil society organizations play a crucial role in the promotion and protection of human rights in the continent. She continued that the training would equip them to understand the functions of the African Commission and actively participate in the work of the commission. 

She commended the commission for initiating such training for CSOs and urged the participants to make the best use of the training especially issues on environmental degradation.

Participant, Audrey Lenga, stated that the training equipped her especially on issues surrounding human rights, saying the training has allowed them to connect, interact, and share ideas on the protection of human rights. 

She commended and thanked the organisers for initiating such training and urged her fellow participants to take the learning materials seriously as far as the issue of human rights is concerned.

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