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Apogee FZC, Creed Energy Limited, Ultimate Beige Logistics Are Handled By Same People, Oryx Energy MD Confirms

By Arret Jatta

The Managing Director of Oryx Energy, Doudou Njie, has informed the National Assembly joint committee of Finance and Public Accounts Committee (FPAC), and Public Enterprise Committee (PEC) that they traded with the three companies but all those trades from the three companies are handled by the same person.

“If Creed is selling or Beige is selling or Apogee, it’s the same people that sell to us. Maybe they have three subsidiaries or two companies, but that’s what we noticed,” he stated.

Three companies – Apogee FZC, Creed Energy Limited, and Ultimate Beige Logistics are being investigated for allegedly importing and selling 36,935.614 metric tons of petroleum products in the country valued at $30 million without paying tax.

When asked by Nominated member, Kebba Lang Fofana, if they made any inquiries or asked any questions when they realized that they were dealing with three different companies who are represented by the same individual he responded by saying that they asked both of them (Arimas and Clement) said Ultimate Beige, Creed, and Apogee is their company.

Mr. Njie mentioned that at the first meeting, they had with Creed or Apozee, they introduced themselves, and at that time, they were the only ones having fuel in the country. 

“And that’s how we met, and we handed them over to the finance department for the paperwork,” he added.

He also stated at that time that they were told by Gam Petroleum that there was no space at the fuel depot saying that the space allocation was not fair.

“Let’s say I request 5,000 tonnes, I’ll tell them I’ll need 5,000 tonnes on July 21st, they will decline it and say ‘I don’t have space or they will allocate it to you (me),” he explained the processes.

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