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Exclusion of the Polisario from the African meetings with international strategic partners.

This week, the African continent has just held, with great fanfare, two extremely important and strategic partnerships with two Asian and world powers, namely the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (September 1-3, 2024 in Bali) and the 4th China-Africa Cooperation Forum Summit (September 2-6 in Beijing).

Two months ago, on June 4, 2024, Seoul hosted the first Summit between the Republic of Korea and Africa.
These three crucial meetings, in which all African countries took part, were a resounding success, with extremely positive repercussions for the peace, stability and sustainable socio-economic development of African countries, both individually and collectively.

In these three African partnerships, and many others, notably with the United States, Russia, India and Turkey, the so-called Sahrawi republic “sadr” is neither invited nor recognized, despite Algeria’s political pressure and the billions of Algerian taxpayers’ dollars it wastes to promote its illegitimate offspring.

For TICAD (August 23-25, 2024), whose Japanese organizer does not recognize the so-called “sadr”and has never invited it, “Algerian diplomacy resorted to fraud, forgery and barbaric physical aggression, in order to give the misleading illusion that the fictitious entity took part in this event”.

According to many resources, it has been established that the separatist representatives entered Tokyo with Algerian diplomatic passports and visas, and entered the meeting room with Algerian delegation badges. The fake-entity was never on the list of participants.

As a result of Algeria’s deception, TICAD was a total fiasco. Algeria has cost the African continent an important opportunity to further promote its development. African countries must hold Algeria solely responsible. “The pathetic show orchestrated by Algerian diplomacy in Tokyo does no credit to Africa and has given a sorry image of the African Continent”.

The success of Africa’s partnerships, notably with China, Korea and Indonesia, is the result of their respect for international legality, in particular the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of African countries. It demonstrates the justness of Morocco’s cause and the decadence of Algeria’s underhand maneuvers.
The meetings attended only by African countries that are members of the United Nations.

The successful holding of the Beijing, Seoul and Bali Summits, attended only by African countries that are members of the United Nations, completely nullifies Algeria’s misleading propaganda. It proved once again that Algerian assertions about the participation of the so-called “sadr” in Africa’s partnerships are “pure lies and fabrications designed to sell mirages to its own citizens, as well as to the populations it has sequestered and persecuted for five decades in the Tindouf camps”.

Africa’s partnerships cannot be reduced to meetings. Their quintessence and raison to be in the implementation on the ground of cooperation projects and programs with partners. Consequently, the presence of a fictitious, unrecognized entity, without territory and remotely controlled by Algeria from the latter’s territory, is of no interest to Africa’s partners, and is neither acceptable nor even conceivable.

The implementation of Africa’s partnerships, notably with China, Korea, Indonesia and Japan, send three messages, first to Algeria to remind that the failure of its illegal machinations, which are seriously damaging the unity and development of the African continent and secondly to African countries to confirm once again that Africa’s various partnerships can under no circumstances take place outside international legality and finally to Japan to say that TICAD can definitively rid itself of Algeria’s disruptions and regain the serenity that prevails in other African partnerships.

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