GAMCOTRAP Sensitizes Six Communities North Bank Region


The Gambia Committee on Harmful Traditional Practices affecting women and Children (GAMCOTRAP) concluded a six days community sensitization in Essau and Farafenni North Bank Region of the Gambia. The activity aims to create awareness on the effects of FGM and its health complication on women and girls which is funded by UNFPA through Child Fund. 

The said activities has drawn different target groups from Lower Niumi, Upper Niumi and Jokadu Districts which comprises of Ex-Circumcisers, Women Leaders, Youth, CBFs,  and Mothers clubs. 

The Deputy Governor of North Bank Region gave a welcoming statement, welcoming the GAMCOTRAP Team and acknowledging the support from UNFPA to GAMCOTRAP, stating that the project has come at the right time and that North Bank is the future of the Gambia. He also stated that after the government takes responsibility for protecting and promoting the rights of women and children, to uphold the FGM Bill 2023.

GAMCOTRAP must keep pushing for public education on the negative health effects of FGM and other harmful traditional practices. He continued by extending the Chief of Upper Badibu’s welcomes and recognizing GAMCOTRAP’s presence in his community. He concluded by urging the participants to make the most of their three days of engagement in order to learn and share the information with their communities.

Executive Director of GAMCOTRAP Dr. Isatou Touray,commended UNFPA through Child Fund for supporting GAMCOTRAP to reach the public and sensitize them on the SRHRS and give a brief background of the activity. She also highlighted that it is very important for the participants to know that the law banning FGM is effective, and anyone found guilty will face the law.

During an engagement at Essau, Dr. Touray discussed the significance of forming a network to safeguard and promote societal norms to ex-circumcisers, Mothers Club, and young people on FGM and SGBV. The network also plays a role in promoting and protecting the rights of female children.

She also informed us that UNFPA and GAMCOTRAP will soon come for the handing over of the milling machines of six communities to the ex-circumcisers who have dropped their knives’ to serve them as a source of income. In her statement, Dr. Isatou Touray highlighted the importance of the engagement and urges the participants to desist from the practice of FGM and early marriage.

The resource person from the ministry of gender, children, and social welfare took the participants in a series of engagements, covering the legal instruments that protect and promote the rights of women and children and the law banning FGM in the Gambia. He also informed the participant that the law is here to protect the girls, and under no circumstances should a child be subjected to FGM or early marriage. Editor note the story is not edited by us.