PW1 testifies in a mobile snatching matter

By Dawda M Jallow

Fatou Sarr, a complainant and also PW1 has testified before the Kanifing Magistrate Court presided over by Magistrate SallahM’bai on Monday.

Fatou Sarr, a resident of Farato Bojang Kunda and a Banker by profession, testified against a mobile snatcher saying she recognised the accused when the prosecution officer CPL N Bojang asked her.

Answering questions from the prosecution officer, she recollected the date of the incident, 19th July 2024 while she explained to the court that the incident happened between 4 and 5 pm after she closed from work. She said at the Brikama/Serrekunda garage there was a compound near the garage where vehicles were parked when she was making a call she sat near an open window that was when the accused snatched off my mobile phone and ran to a compound near the garage. 

CPL Bojang asked who owned the phone, she replied that she was the owner of the phone, and that the mark is Samsung Galaxy A30.

She was asked if she was able to get back the phone but she said no, but she shouted and ran after the alleged thief when he entered a compound.

PW1 continued anwsering the questions and narrated that when she ran after the accused to the compound she entered she met an old woman in the compound who advised her to go to the police station and that the boy’s name was Iss, and that she could not remember the full name because she was only told that his name is Iss. When I got to the police station I narrated the incident, then a police officer responded that it was a freeman while I replied to the officer that he might be the one and that I was told that his name is Iss.

So, when I reported the incident at the police station she said she was given a written note to take to any police officer that I can see around the garage to arrest him when they see him.

“After that, I went around the garage and saw one officer called Lamin Darboe whom I gave the statement to the officer,” she stated.

Police prosecution further asked if she know that the accused was arrested she said yes because she was called from the Serrekunda Police Station and informed about it, while she noted that the particular compound she mentioned was the only one around the garage with other shops and also noted that the old woman in the compound did not describe the accused to her but “only told me that his name is Iss and that when I get to the Police Station I should tell them it is Iss.”

She also said she cannot remember the exact police officer that called the boy (accused) a Freeman and that she didnt describe him to the police

However, the accused before the Magistrate said he is putting it to the complainant that he was not the only one named Iss at the garage and asked her if she went with the old woman to identify Iss for her, and more so, he asked her the name of the police officer that called to inform her that he (accused) was arrested.

After answering the accused questions, the matter was adjourned to Wednesday, 18th September for cross examination.