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Kiang East MP Urged Environment Minister to Update House on Mahogany Trees Investigation

 By Binta Jaiteh

The National Assembly Member for Kiang East, Yaya Gassamahas urged Hon. Rohey John Manjang Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources to update the Assembly on the investigations into the two mahogany trees that were cut down in Kiang Kaiaf on the 24th of May, 2024 in which the Minister’s name was mentioned.

He asked the question on Wednesday during the questions and answers session of the House in Banjul.

In the Minister’s response, she said on the 19th of July the Regional Forestry Officer of Lower River Region informed the Director of Forestry about the removal of two trees without their notice or authority.

She said the matter was reported to the District Chief, who is a native of the village, and the Alkalo. They helped to gather information to determine who was responsible for the unauthorized removal of a mahogany tree.

The Minster said when there was no headway made by the team the matter was reported to Mansakonko Police Station for further investigation and criminal investigation division.

She emphasized that “concerning the article which was written by Kebba Ansu Manneh claiming that the Minister of Environment which happened to be me sold a mahogany tree for D200,000 and deposited D150,000 to my account. In line with due process and my right under the laws of the Gambia, the legal team filed a rite of summon at the High Court in Banjul suing Kebba for libel and slander regarding the malicious and unfounded allegations he made against me concerning the two illegally felt mahogany trees.”

However, Hon. Gassama demanded a report of the regional forestry investigations while an honourable member of LatriKunda Sabiji Yaya Sanyang also asked why the investigations were delayed.

Minister Manjang responded that it was unfortunate that it was not under her jurisdiction but under the Department of the Ministry of Interior.

“Filing a rite of summon is a democratic right after thinking that I allegedly illegally, it is my right to go to court even though I publicly said it was a lie”, she frowned.

The Member for Janjanbureh Hon. Omar Jammeh asked the Minister to give an update about Kebba Ansu Manneh but the Deputy Speaker was not satisfied with mentioning the names that were not present to defend themselves.

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