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Nams Clash With Lands Minister Over Salaries & Allowances of District Tribunal Members

By Binta Jaiteh

The National Assembly Members yesterday Wednesday clashed with the Minister of Lands and Religious Affairs Hamat Bah over the salaries and allowances of district tribunal members.

Member for Upper Saloum Constituency Honourable Allagie Mbowdelegated the member of Niani Constituency Honourable Omar Jobeto ask the Minister to confirm to Parliament about the salaries and allowances of District Tribunal Members and who is responsible for their payments and the last time their pay was reviewed.

During the question and answer session, Brikama North constituency lawmaker Honorouble Allagie S Darboe asked the Minister to reveal the amount paid to the District Tribunal either every month or Sittings.

“ I don’t have that information but I can get it for you”, Minister Bah responded.

Hon. Darboe went further to add ‘’on a serious note if a question of this nature is put to the Minister based on salaries for which he had earlier stated that they are not paid salaries but allowances. Then the Minister should be in a position to inform Parliament on the amount paid to District Tribunal.’’

He further claimed that the Minister vehemently refused to reveal the amount to parliament.

According to Minister Bah, the creation or establishment of District Court Members does not fall entirely under the purview of his ministry but is a shared responsibility with the Judiciary.

“We recognize the critical role they play in the administration of Justice at the district level adding that his ministry wishes to inform that Judicial Members do not receive Salaries but Allowances”, he noted.

He explained that it is a recognized fact that these Allowances paid by the Councils are indeed low, however, a review of the allowances is currently on the way. “We will be engaging with relevant stakeholders to carefully examine this matter which is of great concern to the government to revise the allowances upward”, he assured.

Lawmaker for LatriKunda Sabiji Honourable Yaya Sanyang asked the Minister for his reaction towards an allegation that he interfered in the administration of District Tribunals.

Minister Bah averred that the allegation is false and unfounded, further informing parliament that he found a strange issue when he took office noting that councillors have no salaries, elected councillors in this country don’t have a salary. He said that is sad and they carry responsibilities.  ‘’This is why the Ministry is reviewing the entire process and there is a need to amend some of these acts. We want to do this holistically and do the right thing towards the advancement of the justice system and development of this country.’’

“I felt that as a Minister responsible all this should be corrected”, he acknowledged.

Member for Kiang West, Hon.Lamin Ceesay raised a point of order stating that a question that was raised to the Minister was not answered fully. He urged the Deputy Speaker to inform the assembly of the allowances district tribunals get.

The deputy speaker in his response asked the member if there is any legal provision that states that the Minister should answer a question that he wants and the point of order was ruled out.

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