Taxi driver gives testimony in burglary case

By Fatoumata Konteh

Ablie Jammeh, a taxi driver, and resident of Sanchaba who was accused of breaking into FatouLamin’s house and caught red-handed was yesterday testified before the Bundung Magistrate Court presided over by Magistrate D Fatty.

The accused, Ablie Jammeh, explained that he was arrested by two CIDs and one officer called Jattaafter he closed from work. He said when he saw the two CIDs and the police officer, he asked the police officer that what happened and the CIDs told him that he was under arrest.

He continued that while standing up to adjust his trousers, the police officer Jatta sprayed tear gas on his face and that was how he was taken to the Sanchaba Police Station.

“When I reached the Sanchaba Police Station that was when it was stated to me that I was accused of breaking into Fatou’s house last night’” he said.

However, the accused in his testimony said the following day of his arrest which was Wednesday,police officers came to his house for a search but could not find any stolen material. But he alleged that the police who came broke his door and took D12,000 from his room.

He said when he was detained at Sanchaba Police Station.

Ablie further added that he was detained at Sanchabapolice station for weeks and later transferred to TipaGarage Police Station where he also spent 2 months before his trial in Bundung Police Station where he was also detained for 3 weeks.

The Prosecution officer, CPI Sanyang, asked the accused if it was not correct that Fatou Lamin met him at Sanchaba Station and recognized him that he is the one who came into her house, the accused replied positively.

He also asked him if PW2 – Fanta Suso who lives with PW1 Fatou Lamin recognized him at SanchabaStation, and he also answered positively.

Sanyang put it to Ablie that if it was true that CID took D12,000 from his room and broke his door, the accused said yes.

He further asked him that PW4 Amadou Sargon 1315 had testified in Ablie’s report before the court while he was present but never asked for his money, Ablie replied that, he didn’t confirm such money was taken. 

“I only knew it when I was released from prison,“ he replied.

However, CPI Sanyang further put it to him that Bundung Station never keeps people for more than 3 days without taking such person to court.

As the accused person, Ablie Jammeh has no witness during the court proceedings, the case was adjourned to October 2024