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Alleged Burglar Appears in Court

By Dawda M. Jallow

Omar Jallow, an alleged burglar was last Thursday arraigned before Principal Magistrate Sallah M’bai of the Kanifing Magistrate Court for two counts of offense, breaking and stealing

However, the accused Omar Jallow pleaded not guilty of the offences when the charge sheet was read to him in a language he was comfortable with.

In narration, on count one of his offence, the accused, Omar Jallow, on or about the 3rd day of March 2024 at Manjai Kunda broke into the workshop of Ousman Ceesay with intent to commit a felony therein with stealing.

On count two of his offence, the accused Omar Jallow also that same on the 3rd day of March 2024, at Manjai Kunda in the Kanifing Municipal Council stole two cross-cutting machines valued at fourteen Thousand Dalasi (D14,000.00) being the properties of the said Ousman Ceesay thereby committed an offence.

However, the accused denied the charge when it was read to him saying “I didn’t enter there to steal but I entered there because that is the place I slept for more than five years.”

On count two of the offence, he admitted taking one machine, which he claimed to have handed over at the police station.

The case was adjourned till the 26th of September 2024 upon the appeal of Prosecution Officer M. Keita to allow him to make available his witnesses on the matter.

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