Chief Sonko warns Against Cattle Tracks betweenMbulum, Fass Njaga Choi, and Ndofan.

By: Haruna Kuyateh

The Lower Nuimi District Tribunal under the leadership of Chief George L Sonko expressed dismay over the recent indiscriminate encroachment into the cattle tracks between Mbulum, Fass Njaga Choi, and Ndofan.

Speaking to this medium recently in Essau, Chief George L Sonko described the act as unacceptable and against the forest acts and warned against the illegal felling of trees between Nuimi Berending and Bangali, Manen, and Fass Njaga Choi all at the Lower Nuimi in the North Bank Region. 

He called on Alkalolu and those engaging in this illegal logging to halt it.

He said the illegal clearing of forest and cattle tracks within the named communities, demonstrated the total disregard for the protection and preservation of forest cover. 

The District Chief also called on the communities and forest scouts to be vigilant and provide information to the nearest security unit and the office of the Lower Nuimi District Chief for necessary actions.

Before this, Lower Nuimi Chief summoned district authorities to meet with alkalolu to shed light on illegal forest activities and noted with great concern illegal land grabbing of the cattle tracks and state forest.

Chief Sonko said anyone found wanting, due process of the law will be applied, as the tribunal has zero tolerance for forest destruction and illegal land grabbing.

In a separate development, Momodou Jallow, President of Dobo Joint Forest Park Management, echoed a similar sentiment, as people started illegal logging at the park in Central Badibou. 

He said much effort and energy were implored to promote the regeneration of forest species and enhance tree growth. 

Dobo forest suffered tremendous efforts as the park lost its glory and that prompted the management to solicit support from 4H the Gambia a local NGO based in Farafenni through Global Climate Change Action GCAA+ a European Union-funded project in providing a perimeter fence, dug borehole, and plant trees.