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By: Dawda M. Jallow

Global Platform-The Gambia held a campaign march pass from Westfield Monument to the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources, where the national focal person of Global Platform-The Gambia and the executive director of Action AID-The Gambia issued a clarion call for climate action.

The event was in commemoration of the global week of the climate action.

The Executive Director of Action Aid-The Gambia, Madam Ndella Faye-Colley, noted that: ‘’This gathering is very important because countless other countries across the world are currently doing this because it is a symbolic manifestation of our commitment to combat climate change and demand for climate justice because when climate change strikes, it effects everybody, irrespective of religion and tribe. That’s why we are here. We are very far from where some of the emissions are happening but we are in Gambia; a small country in West Africa feeling the pains and that’s why we are here today.”

According to the ActionAid-The Gambia boss, the global efforts to address the devastating effects of climate change have been increasing.

“All these climate debates are controversial. When problems occur, we should leave the blame game and start to think about how we resolve the problem and that’s why we are here and not to blame anyone,” she explained.

“It’s a survival issue. That’s why we all gathered here today. If you bring the climate effects in the Gambia’s context, all of us noticed a lot of rain in August and some of the farmers have already started crying around urban areas,” Madam Faye-Colley added.

The Program Manager of Action Aid in Upper Nuimi, SaikouDarboe, in his statement said: ‘’We are just demanding justice for climate change because we are the producers of less and less emission while we are the consumers of the trouble of climate change. That’s why we are demanding justice for climate change.” 

The Principal Assistant Secretary of the Gambia Environment and Climate Change, Natural Resources group, MomodouKanyi, explained that as part of the commemorative events of the global week of Planet Action, they joined hands with the young people of The Gambia to raise awareness on climate change, social justice and gender equality through their various leadership programs and civic engagement activities.

“This initiative by the Global Platform & Action Aid-The Gambia is awareness for climate justice and will go a long way to complement the Ministry in achieving these goals and objectives. It is pertinent to note that The Gambia’s environment is subject to various social pressures and associated environmental challenges,” he stated.

“The population growth and agricultural expansion exert significant pressures on natural resources, leading to deforestation and land degradation as well as biodiversity loss. The increasing demand for land and resources often results in unsustainable practices that lead to environmental degradation and threaten ecological balance,” he added.

Mr. Kanyi pointed out that industrial activities and inadequate waste management practices contribute to pollution, further compromising air, water and soil quality.

He explained that climate change poses a significant threat to The Gambia, impacting weather patterns and increasing the frequency of weather events that contribute to sea-level rises. “This Ministry will always join hands with young people, Global Platform and Action Aid-The Gambia to champion causes that are vital to the future of the planet. There is no planet B. Let us all ensure to protect our environment,” he emphasized.

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