Farafenni General Hospital Awards Salifu K. Jaiteh

By: Maama Manjang & Jabou Jawo

The invaluable contribution that Salifu K. Jaiteh made to the improvement of services at the Farafenni General Hospital has earned him a prestigious award from the health facility.

Farafenni General Hospital is the major health facility in the North Bank Region of The Gambia, catering to the healthcare needs of patients in that part of The Gambia and the Senegalese border settlements.

Last Saturday, the hospital organized a ceremony topresent awards to personalities and institutions, whose support had been instrumental in improving the services at the hospital, through the donation of medical supplies among others.

The son of His Excellency Jaiteh, Hamidou Jaiteh, was in Farafenni on Saturday to receive the praise-worthy award on behalf of his father.

The Voice reached out to the successful businessman and long-standing philanthropist, who is also the Honorary Consul of Cyprus in The Gambia, and this is his reaction to the creditable award sent to the CEO of FarafenniGeneral Hospital: “I am glad to be recognized by your hospital at such a magnificent level. National development cannot be a one-man’s-show and I am always grateful to complement the efforts of the government in all sectors but most especially, the health sector to maintain standards and deliver quality healthcare.”

The diplomat and philanthropist said he was humbled by the recognition, saying it would energize him to continue contributing his resources to every facet of national development.

This award is the latest among a plethora of awards bestowed on H. E Jaiteh for his philanthropic work.