Sabach Sanjal gets new Chief

By: Haruna Kuyateh

Samba Jallow of Pallen Fula has been appointed as the new chief of Sabach Sanjal in the North Bank Region (NBR) to serve the people of the district. 

Speaking to this medium about his appointment in KerewanChief Jallow thanked President Adama Barrow and government for the appointment, trust, and confidence bestowed on him, as he received his letter on the 19th September from Governor Lamin Saidykhan of North Bank Region in Kerewan. 

He said his appointment was welcomed by family members and peoples of Sabach Sanjal while assuring his support for the implementation of government projects and programs.

Before his appointment, the new chief was an alkalo of PallenFula from April 2008 to date which he said allowed him to know and interact with 57 alkalolu during district authority meetings.

Chief Jallow in this interview urged the people of the district to promote social cohesion, tolerance, and respect for the rule of law as a tool in addressing differences and working for the advancement of Sabach Sanjal.

The Chief acknowledged numerous development projects undertaken by government, citing road infrastructure development, electricity expansion, supporting agricultural development among others continue to impact the lives of many.

He called on the people to consolidate the development gains to enhance socio-economic gains and transformation.

Governor Lamin Saidykhan confirmed the appointment of the new Chief of the district from the Ministry of Regional Government, Land and Religious Affair. He called on the new chief to be steadfast in upholding fair dispensation of justice and promote peace, stability and reconciliation. 

The Governor also used the moment to task the Chief to value consultation among chiefs, council of elders and office of the Governor on regular base.