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Seedy Ceesay Says Barrow’s Successor Would Come from NPP If…

By: Momodou Justice Darboe & Kemo Kanyi

The Administrative Secretary of the NPP, Seedy Ceesay, has asserted that President AdamaBarrow’s successor would come from the NPP if at all the President decides to relinquish power.

Readers may recall that this medium reported on Monday that President Barrow has reportedly settled down on the Chairman of the Q-Group, Mr. Muhammed Jah, as his successor come the 2026 general election, quoting NPP officials and other dependable sources.

However, according to the NPP’s administrative secretary, the NPP leader was on record for saying that his replacement would be an NPP member.

“President Barrow has made it very clear at State House when he was meeting supporters of the UDP, who came to join the NPP a fortnight ago, that he is running for 2026 and in fact, he called it a re-run or re-matches between him and his political godfather Ousainou Darboe. President Barrow is our candidate,” Ceesay stated in an interview with these reporters in his office at the NPP Churchill’s Town bureau on Monday.

Asked as to why Muhammed Jah was singled out from more than two million Gambians by sources as President Barrow’s preferred successor, Mr. Ceesay said:“Muhammed Jah is abusinessman who is supporting the National Development Plan of the President and he doesn’t shy away from being around the President. We’ve just seen him coming back from China, acquiring some businesses that he invited the President to go and see those businesses. There are so many businesses he is doing in this country and supporting the government’s development plan.

“So, for anyone to say that President Barrow is going to hand over the baton to Muhammed Jah…That is false. Complete false.”

Earlier, the NPP administrative secretary said if Muhammed Jah is indeed desirous of succeeding President Barrow, he should then join the NPP.

“But as we speak, he is not even an NPP member,” he added.

Ceesay explained that President Barrow still has the energy and zeal to seek another mandatefrom Gambians in 2026.

“President Barrow is our candidate. We have no exit plan. We are running in 2026 and the Gambian people have trusted his leadership and he is our candidate,” stressed the NPP administrative secretary.

Meanwhile, dependable sources have informed this reporter that Mr. Muhammed Jah will travel to the US on Monday or Tuesday, where President Barrow is currently attending the UN General Assembly weeks after his reported invitation to the Forum of Africa-China Cooperation(FOCAC) in Beijing by the Barrow government.

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