Pres. Barrow Threatens to Institute Legal Action Against The Voice Newspaper

By: Momodou Justice Darboe

Adama Barrow has threatened to institute a legal action against The Voice newspaper if the paper fails to retract its report about his reported exit plan.

It would be recalled that this medium last Monday reported that Mr. Barrow has chosen the politically-little-known Muhammed Jah to replace him at the poll in 2026, quoting NPP officials and other sources.

The President, through his lawyer Ida Drammeh, wrote to The Voice on Wednesday, demanding a full retraction of the article within 24 hours and a befitting apology or else he would go down the legal lane with the paper.

Mr. Barrow said he felt defamed by the article as it painted a picture of him as an unreliable and indecisive person.

The President also said the article has put him in disrepute.

However, the author of the story, MomodouJustice Darboe, said there was no need to retract the article or apologize to Mr. Barrow in any way.

In his reaction to Mr. Barrow’s threat, the Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief of The Voice newspaper, Mr. Musa Sheriff, said the paper observed due diligence while approaching the story.

“As professionals, we approached this story with the highest consideration of ethics and principles of journalism by contacting the mouthpiece and the deputy spokesman of the NPP, who were both quoted in the article,” said Mr. Sheriff.

“We also depended on multiple sources as premise for our report,” he added.