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Market Master for Latrikunda denies National Audit findings

By Arret Jatta

The Market Master for the Latrikunda in Kanifing Municipal Council has denied the National Audit findings before the ongoing Local Government Inquiry Commission holdings at Djembe Hotel, Kololi.

It was put to him, on Thursday, 26th September, that the National Audit has indicated in its audit report that he has not submitted his 2019 cash book to the internal auditors and was not recording his General Tax Receipts (GTR) numbers on the CRBR which amounted to Seventy Thousand Dalasi.

He was given the audit report which he confirmed to be in the findings of the National Audit. 

However, the witness stood his ground saying there was no cash book that he had exhausted and did not submit to the internal audits of the council.

“I swear to the Qur’an before this Commission, any cashbook I have I have submitted it to the internal audit of the council. When this Commission summoned me I went to look for my cash book in the council’s store. I struggle to find them. The place was dusty but I have submitted my 2019 cash book to the audit,” he said.

The witness submitted his 2020, 2021 and 2023 cash books to the Commission and these were exhibited and admitted into evidence. 

He told the Commissioners that his 2022 cash book is with the investigators of the commission.

“The auditors said what they have seen in your cash book is that you were giving GTR receipts which you were using to collect revenue but you did not sign for these GTRs. This means you are not supposed to have the GTR because you do not sign for them,” Lead Counsel Gomez told him.

The witness replied in surprise saying “When you always (them) take GTRs from the Finance Manager to sign it. I am surprised because how can GTRs be given to me without signing it.”

Counsel Gomez told him this seemed to be a conspiracy between him and the Finance Manager because if he cannot show where he has signed for these GTRs that makes it illegal.

The witness maintained that he has never taken a GTR without signing for it because it is not possible to do that.

The counsel told him he will be given the CRBR for him to make self-findings because he has to account for these monies.

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