Alleged Thief Granted Bail

By Dawda M. Jallow

Alieu Touray who is accused of fraudulently converting proceeds from the sale of a car to his personal use, was yesterday, Thursday, 26th September arraigned before Magistrate Thomas Touray of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court on a one-count charge of stealing, contrary to 252 of the Criminal Code, Cap 10.01 Volume of the Revised Laws of The Gambia 2009.

Alieu Touray, according to the particulars of his offence, is alleged to have in May 2024 at Latrikunda German in the Kanifing Municipal Council of the Republic of the Gambia, fraudulently converted an amount of D450, 500.00 being monies paid to him for the sale of the vehicle marked Benz 360, knowing and having believe the money belongs to Momodou Lamin Njie, thereby committed an offence.

When the charges were read to him, he pleaded not guilty, prompting Amat Touray (ASP) who represented the IGP to ask for an adjournment to enable him secure his witnesses. The prosecutor, however, did not object to bail for the accused.

Trial Magistrate Touray granted bail to the accused in the sum of D500,000 with 2 Gambian Sureties, who must depose to an affidavit of means as well as deposit the National Identity Cards and or Passports while the case was adjourned to the 9th of October 2024 for commencement of hearing.