Gambia Celebrates World Pharmacist Day 

By Dawda M. Jallow

Pharmaceutical practitioners in The Gambia gathered at Westfield on Wednesday 25th September to join their counterparts all over the world in celebrating this years’ World Pharmacist Day.

The World Pharmacist Day is a global healthcare eventcelebrated every year on the 25th September since 2009 and this was the first time the event was celebrated in the country.

It commemorates the anniversary of the International Pharmaceutical Federation, which was established in 1912,to recognize the vital role of pharmacists in healthcare systems around the globe

As part of the commemorative events, the Pharmaceutical Society of The Gambia also organized a free blood sugar and blood pressure screening for members of the public.

Dr. Ousainou Muhanera, the PRO of Pharmaceutical Society of The Gambia,  in his address at the event stated that: ‘’Today, the 25th day of September marks World Pharmacist Day.  It is an important day because it was the day our global association; the International Federation of Pharmacist, was founded in 1912. Every year, we celebrate the day in a different form but this year, we are celebrating it by givingback to the community through blood screening for such ailments as diabetes, hypertension. We are also giving outmedications.”

He said his association intended to donate some items to TANKA-TANKA Psychiatry Center. 

For his part, Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Asif, a pharmacist at Ahmadiyya Muslim Hospital said: ‘’We are celebrating World Pharmacist Day and we are working to help the health sector in improving the quality of medicines and guiding patients on how to use these medications as well as when to use them.” 

Fatou Gibba, a high blood patient and beneficiary, who spoke on behalf of other beneficiaries, noted that the day was God-sent as she narrated how she came to know about her ailment.

‘’I was sitting in my home one day and I felt unwell and could not understand my body. I went to a neighborhood clinic and did a medical checkup, which revealed that I had high blood pressure and that was the time they told me the types of food to eat and to avoid. Today’s program means a lot to not only me but to every patient, who are present today, to benefit from the benevolence of our noble pharmacists. I can but say a big thank you to every pharmacist out there,’’ she stated.