Lamin Jaiteh, Registrar of Hazardous Chemical & Pesticides

The primary means to avoid suffering negative health effects from chemicals is to minimize the risk of exposure. The first step in this process is to perform a risk assessment for the compounds you will be handling and then employ practices that follow the hierarchy of controls, which include using proper-functioning engineering controls such as chemical fume hoods and the appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for the hazards with which you are working.

Adding on, Jaiteh revealed that many chemicals have inherent properties that can negatively impact the human body and its functions while good work practices for storing, weighing, and handling chemicals will also reduce risk of exposure. He lamented that chronic health effect resulting from long-term exposure to substances. Symptoms do not usually subside when the exposure stops. Examples of chronic health effects include asthma and cancer. 


During the discussions, it is warned that acute health effects can be observed immediately or soon after an exposure; often a large brief exposure. Many times the symptoms will subside after the cause is removed, however, depending on the amount or dose, permanent damage or even death can occur from a single exposure. Examples of acute health effects include dizziness, skin irritation, and throat irritation.

In this countrywide sensitization and awareness training, the tour party will stage similar intervention in Kerewan in NBR, Janjanbureh in CRR and Basse in URR.