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Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara Has Vision to Protect Nation’s Flora and Fauna-Dr. Kebba Daffeh 

 Dr. Kebba Daffeh, Gambia’s leading animal welfare advocatehas paid special homage to former President Sir Dawda KairabaJawara, Eddie Brewer among others, for their distinguished roles in the conservation and protection of the nation’s flora and fauna.

He added that despite the former president been a veterinarian by profession, he also had a vision to protect the flora and fauna of The Gambia.

Dr. Daffeh, erstwhile director of Veterinary Services of The Gambia made these remarks at the celebrations, marking World Animals Day held on 4th October, 2024, at the Makasutu Horse and Donkey Trust Charity, where he said animal welfare has now become a concern to all rather than to charities only. 

He said Alhaji Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara’s testimony is the Banjul Declaration of 1977, where he called for the protection of the fast-diminishing flora and fauna. Dr. Daffeh said that was a huge move in the right direction at a time when people were not thinking along that line not only in The Gambia but in many countries.

According to him, Eddie Brewer, a British national and founder of the Abuko Nature Reserve, was instrumental in wildlife conservation in the country, adding that conservationists agreed that Brewer was the father of wildlife conservation in The Gambia. 

“Brewer was the father of Dr. Heather Armstrong and Stellar Marsden, who are also the founders of Horse and Donkey Trust, a charity that was founded in 2002, that continues to champion the cause of the protection of the flora and fauna of the country,” he noted.

He commended Dr. Buba Badgie, a Gambian national based in Sweden as the father of Animal Welfare Association in the country, adding that through his tremendous support the association   embarked on series of nationwide tours to sensitisethe public on the need to safeguarding the welfare of animals in the country.

According to him, through Dr. Buba Badgie, animal welfare advocates took part in trainings on behavioral change,communication and equipped with the requisite skills to go out to the field and create awareness on behavioral change to more positive behaviour-change towards the welfare of animals.

He added that the Swedish chapter of Veterinary WithoutBorders also continues to support animal welfare advocates in the country through capacity-building on social behavioral change communication. 

Dr. Daffeh further commended Francis and Peter Miller, founders of Gambi- Cats Charity Foundation founded in 1999. He also commended Dudu Bojang and Dr Ruprecht Herbstformerly of WTS Vets United of Berlin, Germany for their tremendous contributions to the improvement of animal welfare.

He added that it was through the help of WTS Vets United that animal welfare becomes a course at both the Gambia College and the University of The Gambia and more than one thousand five hundred animal welfare advocates across the country.

He stated that through the help of partners and organisations, The Gambia has now become the leader in animal welfare across the region, noting that more works is needed in propelling the country to becoming a global superpower in the promotion of animal welfare

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