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In His Speech to the Parliament: HM Mohammed VI, King of Morocco, affirms Sahara issue management now based on firmness and proactivity approach.

HM Mohammed VI, King of Morocco, delivered, on Friday, a speech to the Parliament at the opening of the first session of the fourth legislative year of the 11th Legislature.

In His speech, HM King Mohammed VI, reaffirmedMorocco’s commitment to defending its territorial integrity, while stressing that Morocco has broken with the reactive approach to the Sahara issue in favor of a logic of initiative, firmness and proactive approach. 

According to some observers, this proactive strategy is reflected in diplomatic action and large-scale economic projects, making the Moroccan Sahara a central axis of development at both national and continental levels.

Under the impetus of the King of Morocco, the Sahara issue has become central to Morocco’s development and is at the heart of ambitious initiatives for regional development. 

The Sovereign further stressed how Morocco’s approach to the Sahara dispute has succeeded in highlighting the validity of the country’s position and asserting its legitimate historical rights over the region, citing the momentum the country has gained over the years and recent developments in support of Moroccan territorial integrity.  

The Royal Speech highlighted the favorable momentum of the Moroccan Sahara issue, in the wake of growing international support for the Moroccan Autonomy Initiative and the Kingdom’s sovereignty over its southern provinces.

In this regard, the King of Morocco expressed his gratitude to all the countries supporting Morocco in defending its territorial integrity.

A change of paradigm is clearly visible on the international scene regarding the Sahara issue, with an increasing support over the last 10 years. Among the 193 member states of the United Nations, 164 do not recognize the separatist entity, representing 85% of the international community. Furthermore, 112 countries worldwide support the Autonomy Initiative under Moroccan sovereignty, including the majority of African countries. Similarly, an increasing number of European Union countries, including Nordic countries, support this initiative.

This new dynamic of international support is true for European countries, especially the European Union in which the majority of members have expressed their support to the Moroccan Autonomy Initiative. But, it is also true for three quarters of African States, which for many have changed their position regarding the Moroccan Sahara issue.

In this sense, HM the King’s speech recalled also the strategic evolution of the French position on the question of the Moroccan Sahara, which marked a decisive stage in bilateral relations between Morocco and France. 

As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, France has clearly supported Moroccan sovereignty over its Sahara, describing the Autonomy Initiative as the only credible and lasting solution to this artificial conflict.

The Moroccan sovereign also highlighted the diplomatic momentum gained by Morocco’s Autonomy Plan as the sole basis for reaching a final solution to the dispute within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty, recalling Spain’s March 2022 endorsement of the Moroccan initiative.

“They include our friend, Spain – a country which knows the finer details of the issue, and whose stance on the matter has significant political and historical implications – as well as the majority of European members,” the King said. 

This international momentum in favor of Moroccan sovereignty also includes the support of important countries such as the United-States which has recognized Moroccan sovereignty, or even Russia which has a fishing agreement with Morocco covering the Sahara and that has just been extended. 

For many observers, the development of the Moroccan Sahara is the results of huge investments in the region which cover more than $7.1 billion, in order to launch real socio economic and investment opportunities in the region and to be a getaway for African sub-Saharan countries.

This dynamic puts the Moroccan Sahara at the heart of “the strategic continental initiatives we have launched, such as the Morocco-Nigeria gas pipeline project, the African Atlantic States Process, and the initiative to promote access for Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean”, concluded HM King Mohammed VI.

All these initiatives aim to promote regional integration and shared development, prosperity and stability in the African countries.

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