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Licence Manager at KMC Operates A Personal Timber Business

By Arret Jatta

The Local Government Commission of Inquiry (LGCI), on Monday, 14th October, heard the testimony of Kemo Fatajo, the License Manager at Kanifing Municipal Council (KMC).

Giving his testimony he said he has his own personal business aside from being the License Manager at KMC.

“Can you please tell us about your personal business,” Lead Counsel Patrick Gomez asked.

 “I’m still operating it, I started the business in 2008 when I obtained a loan from the council, which amounted to one hundred, and twenty thousand dalasi (D120,000). I bought a vehicle for D70,000, then the remaining 50,000 is what I used to start the business,” the witness explained.

 “And what kind of business,” Counsel Gomez asked.

“Timber selling,” the witness replied.

He further told the Commission that he has been selling timber since 2008.

When the Lead Counsel asked him if he had a business account he said no, adding that he does not need a business account thus the business is a sole proprietorship business.

“Sole proprietorship but that doesn’t mean you cannot have a business account. So, how can anyone differentiate the money that you generate from the business and your own-personal monies,” Lead Counsel further asked.  

“Well what I have in my accounts are proceeds from my business except the salaries the council is paying me and sometimes I do have assistance from my brothers because I can remember in 2012 I asked for help and they sent me some money to expand the business,” Mr Fatajo replied.

“How much was sent to you,” Lead Counsel asked.

“Actually, I don’t know the exact amount because they were in bits and pieces,” replied.

“Now you work as a License Manager,” he was further asked.

 “Yes sir,” he responded.

“When were you promoted to this position,” Counsel Gomez asked.

“I was moved to the market 3 or 4 months and then redeployed back to license unit. In 2016 I was recalled back to license as manager,” the witness explained.

However, he was later asked by the Commission to submit requested documents by Thursday next.

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