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European Council Reaffirms ‘High Value’ of Strategic Partnership with Morocco.

Brussels 18th October 2024- The European Council, which brings together the heads of State and government of the 27 member States of the European Union (EU), reaffirmed at a summit on Thursday 17th October 2024 in Brussels the “high value” the EU attaches to its strategic partnership with Morocco.

Following its formal meeting, the European Council, the EU’s highest body, also reiterated the “need to preserve and continue strengthening close relations with Morocco in all areas of the Morocco-EU partnership”.

This is the third time since the ECJ ruling two weeks ago that the EU has reaffirmed this commitment at the highest level.

The Heads of State and Government also reiterated that the European Council and the Council “will continue to define foreign policy in accordance with the Treaties”, as a sovereign prerogative of the member states.

This politically-charged declaration by all European leaders is yet another blow to the pressure Algeria has tried to exert, by summoning the ambassadors in Algiers of the 12 countries that have expressed, on behalf of their respective governments, their support for Morocco in the immediate aftermath of the EU Court rulings.

The conclusions adopted by Europe’s leaders on Thursday confirm the positive trend and strategic nature of the joint declaration issued by Commission President Von Der Leyen and the High Representative on 4thOctober 2024.

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