GPLP Leader Recognizes Need for Enhanced Training for GID Personnel 

By: Kemo Kanyi 

Ousman Jallow, the leader and founder of the Gambia People’s Liberation Party(GPLP), has called for enhanced training and education for the routine patrol personnel of The Gambia Immigration Department on issues of identification.

He advocates for a system where respect and fairness reign supreme in the treatment of all citizens and residents, particularly in matters about documentation. 

Jallow shed light on the critical values of transparency and equality that should serve as the pillars of the immigration system.

“Struggles many Gambians face abroad, often stemming from an institutionalized bias that sees foreign nationals treated preferentially over local citizens within The Gambia. Reports of immigration officers allegedly discriminating based on nationality and appearance paint a troubling picture of the current climate,” he told The Voice Newspaper in an exclusive interview about his concerns about the GID routine patrol. 

Drawing from his personal experiences, Jallow illustrates the injustice of being scrutinized by immigration officers on multiple occasions—four separate encounters in just two months. 

“Each instance, occurring at notable locations such as Coastal Road, Talinding, and Serekunda Market, outlined the unfortunate reality that these interactions were steeped in prejudice rather than a legitimate concern concerning nationality. These challenges were influenced by my uncomplicated appearance, rather than any official reason, but it is a poignant commentary on societal perceptions,” he attributed. 

In his heartfelt address, Jallow calls upon civil servants—especially those in the immigration sector—to embody the virtues of understanding and respect, arguing that every individual deserves dignity. He firmly states that he will remain true to himself, embracing simplicity, regardless of his status, asserting that authenticity is paramount.

In a world that often seeks to divide us, Ousman Jallow’s clarion call for integrity, compassion, and unity serves as an inspiring beacon, urging society to foster an environment where every individual is celebrated for humanity, irrespective of origin.