Flood Ravages Over 500 Shops in Basse 

By Binta Jaiteh

Over 500 business shops in Basse have been abandoned due to serious flooding of The River Gambia in Basse.
Residents of Basse reported that barbing saloons and garages were also abandoned because of last week’s flooding.

Ebrima Jallow, the victim said he has been in the market since 1990, he described this year’s flood as very heavy and it couldn’t be contained as the water its way into shops. 

“This is a huge economic loss to businessmen. This type of flooding last occurred in 2015, but this year, we experienced a lot of difficulties. We are appealing for the government to come to our aid as soon as possible,” he pleaded.
Petty trader Kaddijatou Jallow said she has been selling the market for over five years, but this year’s flooding was disastrous. 

Lamin Fatty, Regional Disaster Management Coordinator for Upper River Region, said they had developed a situational report that talked about the livelihood affected and the security level, and also key recommendations were highlighted in that report. 

He added that one of the key recommendations made was to have a detailed assessment which was to be done on Saturday.

He pointed out that during their assessment they realized that there was a dilapidated canal around that side of the river and it needed renovation and expansion to allow the flow of water.

He stated that the assessment report will be shared with the government and other relevant stakeholders to assist the affected victims.

The Director of Planning and Development Basse Area Council Yaya Ceesay stated that flooding is a natural issue and it used to happen from time to time, noting that the flood is caused by climate change.

 “This time around in 2024 we have experienced it and as a council through the initiative of our chairman we called an emergency meeting to assess the situation,” he noted.

Mr. Ceesay further outlined that the task force assessed the situation to investigate and confirm the number of shops and persons affected.

 “The team of experts led by NDMA visited the area and during the assessment, they found out that a lot of businesses were closed due to the flood. Flooding occurs every five years that is nature but this is very powerful last year the place was not overrun by water but this year it is seriously submerged in water.
We have a team that sensitizes members of the public about the change of weather”, he noted.

He said the regional authorities in collaboration with the council and MRC will sit and look at alternative ways to address the situation because as a council there are certain infrastructures they do not have the capacity in terms of finance to cater for.