Caliph Kanteh Praises Woman for Renovating Quadrangle Mosque

By: Lamin B. Darboe

The Caliph General of Sifoe Kanteh Kunda Caliphates praised one Madam Isatou Sallah civil servants for undertaking the renovation exercise of Quadrangle Mosque, toilet and installed a brand-new Air Condition (AC) inside the mosque.

Sheikh Imam Qadi Abdullah Kanteh said this after performing Zuhr prayers last week at the said mosque where he quizzed as to who is currently undertaking renovating of both the mosque and staff toilet at Quadrangle Mosque in Banjul. 

As he (Imam Kanteh) was informed about the person behind the renovation exercise, he described Madam Isatou Sallah as the most beloved of Allah’s creation and he went on say: “Madam Sallah is someone who is devoting herself to seek Allah’s love and blessings”.

Imam Kanteh therefore, explained that the best example of how Muslims should live their daily lives is found in the exemplary life and perfect character of Madam Isatou Sallah.     

He appealed to the Muslim Ummah especially those at the quadrangle in Banjul to emulate Madam Sallah for her good deed which is a significant initiative which every Muslim need to follow in the teachings and propagation of Islam. 

“There is no difference between women and men as both are promised the same reward from Allah the Almighty whether good or evil conducts. Madam Sallah’s renovation aims to preserve the mosque and if completed, will give new look for the mosque structure,” Imam Kanteh explained.  

According to Imam Kanteh, whoever take care of the sustainability of the mosque for sake of Allah the Almighty–Allah, will build for him/her a house in Paradise. 

According to Imam Kanteh, Madam Sallah’s support will go a long way in ensuring the safety and comfort of the mosque for worshipers. He appealed to the Muslim Ummah especially senior civil servants like Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Directors, among others at Quadrangle in Banjul to invest in Islam for sake of Allah.