By Yunus S Saliu

National Association of Gambia Nurses and Midwives (NAGaNM), on Saturday, 21st December 2024 held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and awarded some members and sponsors for their hard work and support for the association over the year.
The AGM and award ceremony held at the Ebunjan Theatre, Kanifing it was attended by members working different health facilities in The Gambia.
Addressing the audience, Baboucarr Cham, President of the NAGaNM reflected on the association’s achievements of the year under review – January to December 2024.
Outlining the achievements, he said the process of documenting the association’s land is completed and the least document is with the association’s Treasurer together with a completed building plan while executive is now working on getting the building permit to start the construction of the first phase.
He stated that the association still continues in its media engagement on rebranding and rebuilding the image of Nursing and Midwifery in the country though their busy schedule has reduced their media engagement this year compared to last.
He stressed, “As a constitutional mandate, a nationwide tour to dialogue with nurses and midwives was conducted in February 2024,” he, therefore, described the tour as a successful one whereby midwives and nurses had the opportunity to join the association “About one hundred membership ID Cards were printed from three hospitals – Bundung Maternal and Child Hospital, Kanifing General Hospital, and Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital.”
Among other achievements, he said five members were supported with cash, 82 deserving nurses and midwives were awarded last year while this year 161 deserving nurses and midwives will be awarded, four executive and non-executive members of the association, he noted, completed two training on Leadership For Change held in both Kenya and Rwanda in 2023 and 2024 respectively.
President Cham also highlighted challenges of the association which included managing work schedules, family and association activities, lack of office space, and inadequate support from association members when IDNs and IDMs organize.
At the AGM, Samba Boye NAGaNM Secretary General, delivered the opening remarks, while the Treasurer gave the breakdown of the year financial report. Dr Omar Majangspoke on professionalism in nursing while the guest speaker spoke on the theme of the AGM. Awards were presented to recognized individuals, sponsors, and supporters of the National Association of Gambia Nurses and Midwives.