By: Isatou Sarr
Three individuals were on Thursday arraigned before the BrikamaMagistrates’ Court on charges of fighting in public.
Kunta Suso and Kine Willan, according to the prosecution, engaged in a fight in a public place on 7 December 2024. They denied the allegation.
Kunta Suso is also slammed with the charges assault, causing actual bodily harm. The particulars of the offense read that Kunta on or about 7 December 2024, at Lamin Babylon, assaulted Kine Willanby hitting her in the face with a stone, causing her an injury. Kuntapleaded not guilty to the charges.
Meanwhile, one Fansainey Konta appeared before the BrikamaMagistrates’ Court on common assault charge. Fansainey, according to court records, assaulted Awa Gaye in Lamin Babylon on 7 December 2024, by pulling her artificial hair, which cost D41,000.00. Fansainey pleaded not guilty to the charge.
Inspector E. Ceesay, representing the Inspector General of Police, requested an adjournment to secure the prosecution’s witnesses, which was granted and the matter adjourned to 10 February 2025.
The accused persons were granted bail in the sum of D30,000 each and they must have a surety of Gambian nationality, who must depose to an affidavit of means and submit a valid national ID card or passport to the court registrar.
The cases were presided over by Magistrate K.B Sambou.