FAWEGAM, UNICEF Roll OutSensitize Parents & Caregivers on GBV 

By: Haruna Kuyateh

The Forum for African Women Educationalists-Gambia Chapter (FAWEGAM) in collaboration with UNICEF recentlyorganised a day-long sensitization event dubbed Parents &Care Givers Engagement.

The event was part of interventions in delivering the Global Promise to end FGM by 2030 through prioritizing collective and multi-sectorial actions towards addressing the practice of FGM in Kerewan, North Bank Region. 

The engagement aimed at mobilizing a broad spectrum of actors, including parents and caregivers through series of structured community engagements to strengthen behaviouralchange at all levels.

The Senior Program Coordinator at FAWEGAM, Martin M. Mendy, thanked UNICEF for funding the outreach program as, according to him, it would generate public dialogue on Social Behaviour Change for both parents and care-givers.  

Mendy noted that the program will strengthen resilience of stakeholders and help them co-create and implement key interventions to address social norms directly related to violence against children and women, FGM as well as the underlying social elements that support and underpin violence against children and women.

“FAWEGAM’s aim is to strengthen advocacy movement network against all forms of violence including FGM/C and child marriage in the North Bank Region (NBR) Region 3, and in the Central River Region South and North,” he concluded.

Dr. Babanding Daffeh of Serrekunda General Hospital in his address said FGM/C has negative effects on the reproductive health of women and girls and called on parents and caregivers to desist from the practice as it affects the health and social status of women and girls.

“This engagement is aimed at empowering communities andstakeholders to lead advocacy to influence change, and in decision-making on Gender-Based Violence on FGM/C, child marriage and its effects on vulnerable girls and women,”saidDr. Daffeh.

Kumba Camara and Amie Bah of Kaba Koto in Upper Nuimiboth described the sensitization event as important, noting that the power-point presentation with pictorial information on the negative impact of the practice greatly cleared their doubts. 

“Women strongly promise to join the campaign to stop this harmful traditional practice, which violates the rights of women and girls,” they echoed.