Gov’t Revokes Kamalo Extension Allocations & Allocations Without Ministerial Approval



By: Kemo Kanyi

The Gambia government has revoked all land allocations at the Kamalo Extension and the allocations made at the Kamalo Proper without ministerial approval.

The government has also revoked all land allocations at the Kamalo Proper that lacked proper documentation.

These disclosures were made by the lands minister Hamat Bah as he addressed a press conference on Monday.

Minister Bah said the government’s decision will be formally communicated to the affected individuals in writing, revealing that the taskforce established to probe the allocations has recommended that those with multiple allocations within the Kamalo Proper retain only one and forfeit the rest to the State.

He further revealed that land allocations to individuals, who provided their personal bank accounts instead of the company’s bank account, were also revoked.

According to the lands minister, the government has adopted the taskforce’s recommendation for a conduct of comprehensive and specific environmental impact assessment prior to any development at Kamalo, affirming that the taskforce’s recommendation to hold officials accountable for the missing Kamalo file was also taken onboard adopted.

Bah told reporters that his Ministry has also noted with concern the recommendation of the taskforce on lands ministry staff adversely mentioned in the report. He said the government has adopted this recommendation, announcing that the taskforce’s recommendation for the development of a National Land Policy was equally adopted.