Dispute Between Two Rawdatul Majalis Factions Continues

By: Kemo Kanyi

A scuffle between two rival groups of Rawdatul Majalis continues to escalate as both groups claim the legitimacy of the status. The two groups are led by Sheriffo Sanusi Nano Hydara and Bamin Jaiteh.

Majmuatou Rawdatul Majalis, under the leadership of Sheriff Sanusi Nano Hydara, Tuesday organized a press conference to shed light on the issues surrounding the continued misunderstanding between the opposing camps.

Claiming the legitimacy over the opposing group, Modou Lamin Yaffa, the vice president of the faction said this group has followed all due processes required or imposed on any registered association/organization in The Gambia, adding that they got all the instruments required for their legitimacy.

“Legally speaking, the group that is headed by our president Sheriffo Sanusi Nano Hydara, is the legal entity recognised under the laws of The Gambia that is empowered to carry out its functions officially,” Mr. Yaffa outlined to reporters on Tuesday at a press conference held in Brufut.

He pointed accusing fingers at the opposing faction led by Bamin Jaiteh for using their legally registered name and also lobbied through the same name, calling on them [their rival group] to refrain from using the name registered by Mr. Hydara’s Rawdatul Majalis group.

“They registered an organization that they call ‘Magialis Centre for Memorization’, which is the name that we give to an Arabic school and the Quranic memorization school under our watch. They will always refer to themselves as ‘RaWdatul Majalis’. So, according to the laws of the Gambia, they [splinter group] should not use that already registered name because the laws of the Gambia do not allow impersonation. This is seen as criminal and can attract legal penalties,” he added.

Mr. Yaffa revealed that his group is expecting a legal order shortly that will bar their rival group from using or maintaining the name The Bear.

The group denied allegations of forcefully staying in power after the end of their tenure in office and that their leader, Sheriffo Sanusi Nana Hydara, bribes people’s loyalty for them to stand with him. They added that the term limit for their leader should be six years, but their rival group wants him to vacate office after just three years, stating Mr. Hydara does not bribe anyone to stand for him.