By: Nicholas Bass
Six first-class magistrates were sworn into office presided over by Chief Justice Hassan B. Jallow on Monday in Banjul.
Chief Justice Jallow emphasized that Khadijatou Bittaye, Awa Manneh, and Modou S. Dem are appointed as permanent magistrates, while Njammeh Jallow, Kumba Mboge, and Kawsu Jadama are contracted for six months as hurricane magistrates, assigned to hear and clear bad heard cases and pending judgments.
Chief Justice Jallow cautioned the newly appointed magistrates to be punctual and regular at work, urging them to be firm and courteous to everyone who comes before them ”whether they are litigants, witnesses, or counsels” but with firmness”.
”Diligence, make sure you attend to your workload very effectively, and you don’t leave matters pending which don’t need to be pending which you can get dispose of,”, JC Jallow said
CJ Jallow stated that the newly appointed judiciary officers should maintain a high sense of integrity, stressing that it has inspired the Judiciary Service Commission (JSC) to elevate them to the position of first-class magistrates.
”Integrity is the most important of all, we are satisfied with your qualifications; you are all qualified for the appointment of this position, and we are satisfied with your conduct, this is why JSC has appointed you, but you must continue to maintain that level of integrity which has inspired the JSC to entrust you with these responsibilities”, JC said.
Magistrate Njammeh Jallow, on behalf of her colleagues, appreciated the office of the JSC and affirmed that they will maintain the good values of the judiciary profession.
Meanwhile, magistrate Khadijatou Bittaye, Awa Manneh, Modou S. Dem, Njammeh Jallow, Kumba Mboge, and Kawsu Jadama all affirmed and vowed to solemnly and sincerely promised to be faithful and to bear true allegiance to the Republic of The Gambia according to law, vowing to execute their functions of the office as first-class or hurricane magistrates without fear or favour, affection, or ill will according to the Constitution and other Laws of The Gambia.