By: Isatou Sarr
The Small Ruminant Production Enhancement Project handed over 20 livestock watering facilities to 20 communities across the country.
The facilities were handed over in a ceremony held at Raneru Wollof village in Central River Region – North. Each of the 20 communities benefitted from a twenty thousand liters (20,000) capacity overhead steel tank with three solar-powered concrete reservoirs.
The watering facilities were constructed by the project with an objective of facilitating the availability of clean drinking water for livestock.
The ball was set rolling for the Small Ruminant Production Enhancement Project in 2020 with the funding of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Government of the Gambia at the tune of 26.8 million dollars.
The handing over ceremony was graced by the Hon. Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Food Security, Dr. Demba Sabally, Governor of Central River Region, District Chiefs, National Assembly Members, representatives of the 20 beneficiary communities and a host of other dignitaries.
Speaking at the event, Dr. Demba Sabally thanked the project officials for what, he called, excellent delivery of the project’s task, highlighting that the initiative formed part of the government’s commitment to enhancing the lives and livelihoods of farmers and ensuring the wellbeing of the country’s livestock.
Minister Sabally further highlighted that the aim of the project is to improve small ruminant production and productivity in The Gambia through the improvement of the pastoral communities. He revealed that the project also constructed individual and community pastures across the country with a view to facilitating the availability of feed for livestock owners during the long dry season.
The Director of the Small Ruminant Production Enhancement Project, Mr. Mamud Njie, stated that the handing over event was a representation of the fulfilment of one of the tasks given to them by the Government and the Gambian people.
Every region of the country has livestock watering facilities (CRR North 4 watering facilities, CRR South 3 watering facilities, NBR 4 watering facilities, URR 4 watering facilities, LRR 3 watering facilities and WCR 2 watering facilities).
Mr. Njie seized the opportunity to thank project officials, project consultants for designing and monitoring the construction process, the beneficiary communities and the Department of Livestock